событие: Katoeys Strike Back

Katoeys Strike Back

Saturday, 22-February from 10:00pm

A long time ago, in a Soi far, far away...

A battle was brewing between the Wicked Wenches of Why Not Bar, and the Lovely Ladyboys of Katoeys `Are` Us!

2020's first dance battle is sure to be nothing less than epic, and the outcome will seal the fate of one of these two stellar adversaries!

Everything is at stake!! Will good conquer evil? Will balance be restored to the Katoey-verse? Will there be another sequel? (spoiler alert - almost certainly!!)

You may indeed feel the Force rising up, longing to be set free! Don't be surprised if you find yourself crossing light sabres and trading blows in your own little private galaxy!

And remember—never underestimate the power of the Dark Side! May the Force be with you!